Tuesday, July 9, 2013

An international clock...

Hello readers,

I always struggle with knowing the time of the day, at another part of the earth. So, here's my solution:
If you take a clock mechanism, it doesnt matter what kind of clock mechanism, and remove the plate etc you only have the bare mechanism left. Of course... Than you should remove the hour and minute want to make this possible. Now print out a top view of the earth which accidently also shows the time barriers/zones. Cut it out and paste it on a cirular board of wood to make it  more difficult to break. Than glue (of find another way to attach it) to the pin which originaly did hold the hour wand. Now make a wooden ring which fits perfectly around the "world" circle with around an milimeter (or two) of space between them. This ring is attached to the backplate of the clock so it won't rotate. That you should write the hours on this ring exactly as on any other clock. Than, make a ring that fits around the other ring with (it doesn't matter how much) space between the other. This ring is meant to write the minutes on (stripes, not numbers). And as the last thing to do you should place the minute wand back on. And there you have it, an international clock which shows the hours and the minutes everywhere. The only thing you have to do now is to line up your time zone with the corresponding hour on the hour ring!

Sorry that I haven't posted anything yesterday, it's my holiday so I didn't keep track of the days.


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